Discovering Second Temple Literature: The Scriptures and Stories That Shaped Early Judaism
Jewish Publication Society, Fall 2018
The Making of Jewish Universalism: From Exile to Alexandria
Rowman and Littlefield, 2017

“Rebecca in Early Jewish and Rabbinic Literature.” November 15th, 2017.
“A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor.” November 9th, 2017. The Lehrhaus.
Review of “Chana: A Life in Prayer,’ by Rabbi Yehiel E. Poupko. JUF News. September 6, 2017.
“The Christian Monks Who Saved Jewish History.” The Lehrhaus. May 11, 2017.
“The Decalogue in Rabbinic Literature.” Modern Torah Leadership. February 16, 2017.
“Heteronomy and Hierarchy: Are Partnership Minyanim Orthodox? A CTML Symposium.”
“Wrestling With God: Leonard Cohen’s You Want it Darker.” The Lehrhaus. November 13, 2016.
“The Origins of Jewish Universalism: What it is, and Why it Matters.” The Lehrhaus. October 6, 2016.
“The Tale of Susanna: A Story About Daniel.” The Torah.Com. September 1, 2016.
“Queen Berenice: A Woman of Contrasts.”
“Intimacy on the Sabbath: Was it Always a Mitzvah?”
“The Haggadah: A New Telling of the Exodus Story.”
“Uncovering the Truth About Chanukah.”
“The Making of Adam: Understanding the Midrash in Light of Plato and the Pseudepigrapha.”
“Abraham as the Great (Un)Circumciser: A Surprising Midrashic Portrait of Abraham.”
“Sefer Tuviah–The Book of Tobit.”
“The Portrayal of Abraham in the Testament of Abraham.”
“Why Jews Fast.” Co-authored with Dr. Rabbi Zev Farber.
“Jewish Attitudes Towards the Land of Israel During the Time of the Second Temple.”
Academic Publications

2019- Editor, Proceedings of the 2018 Hayim Perelmuter Conference in Jewish Christian Dialogue, co-edited with John R. Barker, Judaism in Context Series, Gorgias Press
2018- Review of Stephen Greenblatt, The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve, Christian Century
2018- Review of Irving Green, The Jews of Chicago, Chicago Jewish Historical Society Quarterly Journal,
2018- “Bel and the Dragon: Introduction and Commentary,” in The Jewish Annotated Apocrypha, eds. Lawrence Wills and Jonathan Klawans
2018- Zechariah, Wisdom Commentary Series; co-authored with Leslie Hoppe, ed. Barbara Reid
2017- “A Family’s Witness of Faith (2 Maccabees 7),” The Bible Today
2017- Review of Michael Segal, Dreams, Riddles, and Visions: Textual, Contextual, and Intertextual Approaches to the Book of Daniel, AJS Review
2017- Review of Richard Kalmin, Migrating Tales: The Talmud’s Narratives and Their Historical Contexts, Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 12.1
2016- “The Apocalyptic Visions of Abraham and Paul in Early Judaism and Christianity,” The Bible Today, 54.4 (2016) 261–266.
2016- “Geography-Based Giving in the Jewish Tradition,” in Poverty and Wealth in the Sacred Texts of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, eds. Nathan R. Kollar and Muhammad Shafiq. New York: Palgrave
2016- “The Book of Jonah,” entry in Encyclopedia of Biblical Reception (EBR)
2016- “Echoes of Universalist Testament Literature in Christian and Rabbinic Texts,” Harvard Theological Review
2015- “Interpretations of Abraham’s Circumcision in Early Christianity,” in From Enoch to Montreal and Back: New Vistas on Early Judaism and Christianity. Papers from the Fifth Enoch Graduate Seminar, Montreal, 20–24 May 2014, eds. Lorenzo DiTommaso and Gerbern S. Oegema. London: T&T Clark
2015- “Let All Life Be in Common: Jewish Universalism from the Hebrew Bible Through the Second Temple Period,” Doctoral Dissertation
2014- “The Book of Haggai,” entry in Encyclopedia of Biblical Reception (EBR)
2011- “Greek Influence on the Composition of 2 Maccabees,” Journal for the Study of Judaism, 42.3 (2011) 293–310
2006- “Doors, Windows, and Boundaries in the Elijah-Elisha Stories,” Harvard University Masters Thesis